Deeper Life: Slowing down to acknowledge God’s presence

Whose voice is that

frantically rushing you out the door?

Who is pressuring you

to abandon your sense of calm?

Who is banging that obnoxious drum?


Is it the Prince of Peace,

whose voice is still

and small?

Is it your Heavenly Father,

who abandons fear

for love?

Beneath the clamor of this world,

God whispers.

Will you listen?

Will you follow His gentle guidance

along the path

to freedom?

Before making decisions, Saint Ignatius of Loyola taught that it’s important to discern where our inspiration is coming from. Is it from the Light of God? Or temptation from darkness? Or is it simply our own human nature trying to call the shots?

Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

In the long run, inspirations from God lead to peace and the fruits of the spirit. Whereas, inspirations from darkness lead to increased doubt, fear and temptation. When we take time to pray and reflect on our own interior lives and motivations, we are able to make wiser decisions that are more in alignment with God’s will. Even though it’s not always easy to resist temptations, the natural desire of our human hearts is to live in accordance with God’s will.

Even though it’s difficult in our fast paced society, today, I encourage you to take 15 minutes to journal and pray about a decision you are currently facing. What choice do you think God is leading you to make? What temptation do you need to resist in order to follow God? Deep in your heart of hearts, what are your true motivations for making this decision? Are you operating from a place of fear or love?

God, help us to make wise decisions, in alignment with Your will. Give us the grace and clarity to hear Your still small voice and the courage to follow You always, even when it means we’ll have to go against the grain of what everyone else seems to be doing. Purify our intentions until we learn to desire You with our whole hearts. In Jesus name we pray, Amen. 

What decision are you wrestling with right now? Are you struggling to slow down to take time for prayer? Comment bellow, and I’ll be happy to lift your intentions in my prayers. 

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