Encouragement for those, who are grieving

Sorrow is a tunnel

that leads deep into the heart

of our shared humanity,

where we discover

the mystery

of God.

While grieving, we can be tempted to feel alone. Even on the cross, Jesus in His humanity asked “My God, why have you abandoned me?” But the truth is found in Psalm 34 18: “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

In our deepest sorrow, we can grow closer to God and each other. Through prayer, forgiveness, reaching out to others in similar situations and resisting the temptation to bitterness, we can deepen our faith and grow our capacity for human connection through the hardest times of our lives.

Though each experience of grief is unique, each human heart is essentially the same. Beneath the heartache of a death in the family, the loss of a loved one to addiction, grieving dreams for a child with a disability and every other sorrow – is the same human vulnerability, aching with love, longing for God. Through grief, we all have the capacity to grow into stronger, more spiritually vibrant people.

God, thank you for being with us in our times of sorrow. Through the fog of grief, reveal the light of Your presence to us, so we can take comfort in knowing Your love more than we ever have before. Lead us to others, who have the strength walk this hard road by our sides. Help us grow spiritually more aware of your heavenly presence that is with us always. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.  

What loss are you currently grieving? Share your story, and I’ll be happy to lift you in prayer. 

sorrow prayer

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