Deeper Life: After the loss of a loved one

When the Light

we’ve been depending on

goes out,

we have a choice:

surrender to darkness

or find a way to Shine.

When we lose the relationships that help us feel connected to God, it can feel like the rug has been pulled out from underneath us. The grieving process can bring out the worst in our humanity as we journey through denial, anger, bargaining and depression toward eventually accepting the loss, which broke our hearts.

If we choose to use our pain as motivation to forge a deeper and more direct spiritual connection with our Creator through prayer and meditation, our greatest losses can ultimately become our greatest opportunities for spiritual growth

Maya Angelou said “Nothing can dim the Light that shines from within.” As we let go of attachment to even our most treasured relationships on earth, we can learn to cultivate our own inner Light of faith, which can never be taken from us. By processing grief with the Lord, we can gradually be transformed into the ones who shine in a spiritual way as guides for others, setting an example of how they too can be bright lights in the lives of others.

Have you grown spiritually through the process of grieving a loved one? Does your light shine brighter in the darkness for others, due to your faith through hard times? 

Lord, give us the grace to turn to you in our sorrow. Teach us how to pray and meditate in a way that connects us to Your living presence in us and all around us. Fill the emptiness we feel with the grace of Your Light. Help us shine Your Love into the world to guide others on their journeys through life! In Jesus name we pray, Amen. 



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