Encouragement to realize how deeply you are connected to the Divine

You are a gemstone shining
in the hands of God,
naturally beautiful –
one of a kind.

Your darkest challenges
only exist
on the surface of you,
like the smudgy fingerprints of a child –
easily cleared by the Divine.

You are being marveled at,
and filled
with a Higher Light.

Bask in how brightly
you can shine.

Allow yourself to be placed
where you’re meant to be
in the perfect time.

 “All living creatures are sparks from the radiation of God’s brilliance, emerging from God like the rays of the sun.” -Hildegard of Bingen.

Lately, the images I receive in prayer have become more clear. They come along with feelings of peace and strength, which I hope transmit through the words I share with you. I believe everything shown to me applies to all of us – they are simple messages of God’s love and healing power.

The other day in prayer, I was given the strongest sense of being a smooth oval gemstone in the hands of Jesus, where He helped me see that the emotions, which felt so heavy at the time were really just like the smudgy fingerprints of a child to Him, easily cleared. I had the strongest sense of being gazed upon with great love, held and placed into what seemed like an enormous sheet of impenetrable light. I fit perfectly, and it felt so good in my heart like all those smudgy fingerprints disappeared, and the best part of me became connected to something far greater than me. The edges of me (as a smooth stone) disappeared and I became one with this powerful light. Then it seemed like the great sheet of Light I was welcomed into actually had rounded edges like a sun – I just didn’t realize it had rounded edges until I within because it was so big. Once within, I could sense that it was teaming with life and joy, kind of like a nature show of all the motion happening beneath the surface of a microscope that you didn’t realize was there until you look closer. What seemed impenetrable from the outside was filled with joy, light and also that strength I had originally felt. I am interpreting it as maybe being a sense of being part of the body of Christ or the communion of saints. It felt so good in my heart and soul to be there, connected to this greater whole. This all happened interiorly and is a calming sense of belonging I can carry with me wherever I go and tap into with a deep breath unless.

I am sharing my poem and this vision with you because it has been a great consolation to me, and I believe it applies to all of us. I hope it soothes your soul to ponder the way you too are a gemstone in the hands of our God, who is marveling at you with a gaze of awe, wonder and the purest love and who can easily clear off the smudgy fingerprints placed on you through the trials of this life. It makes sense to me that the Lord would use an image of gemstones to help me feel loved because I love gemstones, so it’s easy for me to absorb His love through that image. If gemstones aren’t working for you, I pray He fills your mind with another thought that helps you realize the strong hands that are holding you with love beyond that which we can hope for or imagine.

Lord, thank you for holding each of us, always – with such great love. Thank you for holding a perfect place for each of us in the communion of saints and placing us there so gently, when we allow Your hands to guide our lives. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of Your body here on earth, guided by you from your heavenly throne. Thank you for being our stability, health and comfort in spite of our failings. Thank you for waiting patiently for us to more fully give our hearts to you. Please give us the grace of ever more union with you and courage to do your will. In Jesus name, we pray.

Written by Nicky Gant for http://www.uniteinprayer.org 3/10/2022

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