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God opens the most random and beautiful doors

When my son Dylan was miraculously healed of chronic kidney disease as an infant, I remember being completely blown away by the way it happened. When doctors didn’t have a cure, a friend advised us to take him to a retired priest named Monsignor Marvin Mottet, who lived in a retirement home near our house and was known for having a spiritual gift of healing. He himself had been miraculously healed of kidney disease on his death bed and now had a reputation for miracles throughout our community.

I figured it was worth a try! And I’m glad I did because Dylan was indeed miraculously healed by God through that priest in a dramatic way. His nephrologist couldn’t believe it.

This was life changing for me on many levels. For one thing, it increased my faith in the power of prayer to a dramatic degree. Also, due to spiritual experiences I had after being prayed over by that same priest, I was able to experience the mystical dimension of our faith for myself, which changed my perception of how present the Lord is with us in our daily lives.

Also, after being jaded by the status quoa cynicism that was surrounding me in day-to-day life at the time, I was blown away that such a magical thing exists in my neighborhood: a real healing priest! I though that was the coolest thing.

The whole experience re-energied my faith, idealism and hope. It opened my mind and heart to possibilities of God’s real and miraculous presence in our lives.

I’ve been even more of a moth to the flame of the Holy Spirit ever since. Eight years later, my own prayer life has expanded to dramatic degrees, and I am literally surrounded by people with faith that moves mountains every day. I never cease to be amazed by the wonderful people in my life and all the ways they glorify the Lord with their work. I’d love to share their stories on my blog now that I’m writing more.

But first, I have to tell you about what happened last week because it brings me full circle around on this topic.

Throughout this year, I’m participating in the Marvin Mottet Leadership Academy, which was the dying wish of the priest, whose prayers healed my son. He was also a powerful warrior for social justice in our community and wants his legacy to live on through this training.

When a deeply faith-filled woman I met at training invited us to participate on the prayer team in front of the court house in downtown Davenport, something in me said a big yes.  This made me SUPER nervous thinking “who would say yes to getting prayed over by strangers on their way into court? This is going to be awkward.” But this grace-filled woman named Ethelene was leading, along with a national prayer team that travels the country starting these types of ministries through Courtside Ministries, so I trusted them. I’m always up for learning  and experiencing the power of prayer in a new way.

It turned out to be a grace-filled experience! I couldn’t believe how many people were open to receiving prayer from strangers. I was deeply touched by the way those, who did accept prayer’s countenance softened with smiles, gratitude and praise of God. I was also blown away by the comfort level of the prayer team, along with their prophetic words of insight and encouragement from the Lord for each individual they prayed over. They were truly gifted, along with being some of the most joyful spirit-filled people I’ve ever met. I smile just thinking about this diverse group of dynamic personalities.

Though I did not expect this: Every member of this team of prayer warriors prayed for me too. Each of them had gifts and words that were the exact encouragement I need to hear at the time. It was truly remarkable and such a gift from God. They seem to have this wild idea that God is going to perform miracles through my prayers at some point. My prayers? Really?? Okay, why not I think! I figure I’ll just keep following the Lord and see what happens. LIFE is a miracle if you ask me. If He does decide to use me to perform more dramatic miracles, it will be all about Him and nothing to do with me-that is one thing I know for sure because there have been many times in my life, where I’ve experienced my own powerlessness in the face of struggle.

My heart’s desire is to glorify the Lord, and I’m certainly open to what St. Teresa of Avila called “the infinite possibilities of faith.”

The point I’m trying to make is: experiencing the miraculous healing of my son was only the beginning of my adventure of faith. As awesome as it was to discover a healing priest in my neighborhood, He’s not the only magic trick God has up His sleeve for my life or yours. Now I realize and passionately want to share that God has servants everywhere. True followers of Christs are all around us, waiting in the wings to bless our lives when we’re ready and open to them. I hope my words can help us find each other and work together to increase faith and social justice like Fr. Mottet did, while he was alive.

God bless anyone reading this to have an increased sense of the “infinite possibilities born of faith.” Help us really believe in You and experience the awe and wonder of Your majesty, while we walk the earth. Bless us with lives filled with miracles that are reflections of Your Victory and Your Glory! Thank You and Amen. 

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