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Inner Workout: Saying yes to God even when it comes at a price

I am the very opposite of what I’m told a woman should be.

Fortunately, I have the strength to rebuke those voices,

and I know Who gave that strength to me.

What does it say about society,

when a woman can feel the power of God’s love coursing through the depths of her being,

and she has the grace to sense the pulsing grandeur of eternal life,

while her heart still beats …

What does it say about the world we live in, 

when she follows the illumnated path,

laid out especially for her by angels,

and she’s filled with a soulful knowing

that the  journey is worth every step out on faith …

What does it say about life, when her only peril on the road to freedom

is the pressure to conform to this age?

Why do we bully women into superficiality?

Why do we try to steal her innate connection to the power of God that wants nothing but good for all of us?

This is how it’s always been.

The question is:

Will we respond with courage of conviction

or will we give in?

Will we be forged into unshakable diamonds of eternal beauty

or will be be turned into dust?

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