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Unite in Prayer: For a miracle

Lord, today I am on the edge between giving up and letting go.

I need your help. In fact, you are my only hope. I am asking You for a miracle.

I have tried everything humanly possible to solve this problem, and it is not getting any better. At this point, I have no logical reason to believe it ever will.

Truly, I am facing the impossible. I am reminded of how powerless I am.

So I turn to You.

I know that by Your Very Nature, You are pure love.

I know You are infinitely powerful.

I know You want good things for me.

I believe that You absolutely can heal and create anything You want; I am sure this problem is manageable in Your Hands.

The miracles on earth are the laws of heaven

Lord, Please give me the grace to surrender every aspect of this situation into Your Loving Hands.

Instead of clinging to my fears, give me the strength to more fully grasp Your Love.

Help me to see this situation from Your perspective.

Open my heart to accept whatever lessons You want me to learn through this challenging time.

Make me a better person, for having gone through this.

Give me the grace to desire Your Will above all else.

And please give me eyes to see all the miraculous ways You are guiding, guarding and blessing me through this, so I will be truly grateful for Your gifts.

Thank you and Amen!

What miracle are you praying for today? Post below, and I’ll pray with you! Thanks:)

Scripture and Quotes

Psalm 77:14 You are the God who performs miracles, you display your power among the peoples. 

Job 5:9 He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.

Related Links

A Reminder to Believe in Miracles




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