Spiritual Journey: When you face obstacles to freedom in Christ

Why do you allow stonesto standin your waywhen they can beso easily moved? What path on earthcan’t be clearedby the thundering power of God? Don’t fall for the illusionof being trapped – just ask and allow the Divine Broom to sweep away obstaclesto the freedom you were born for – All things truly are possible […]

Spiritual Journey: Through the seasons of life

When it’s been winter for so long you’ve forgotten the smell of flowers, the color of grass and the whisper of a warm breeze … When earth has been frozen for so long, you’ve forgotten your aversion to the bitter cold and found your peace in the barren wasteland … When you’ve embraced the palette […]

Just a Reminder: You are being carried in your Heavenly Father’s arms.

After shopping last night, I found myself without a coat, lugging 6 bags of groceries and facing the challenge of walking through a total downpour to get into my minivan. Internally, I grumbled. It was cold, I didn’t feel like getting wet, and I didn’t want to deal with soggy bags of food. At that […]

Simple Faith: Acknowledge Christ’s presence in ordinary moments

TodayĀ You cameĀ in the shape of an infant heavy on my chest. the sweet smell of her skin, the warm deep of her breath, the gentle lull into invisible bliss… the tangible connection to eternal calm – Sweet Spirit of God, You are always with me. always real, always pure, always Divine … in the silence […]

Deeper Life: The art of surrender

We forget to thank the grape, while drinking the wine – but He’s the one, who can teach us how to surrender. Sometimes, we’re called to be crushed for the sake of another. Sometimes in our walk of faith, we are called to “turn the other cheek” for the greater good of God’s plan. Jesus […]

Spiritual Journey: Finding God in the brokenness of our humanity

When did the foundation of your life begin to crack? What happened that shattered your illusions once and for all? There are a million ways for our hearts to break; There are a million reasons to fall apart; And thankfully, There is one God, who rushes in to seal every fissure with Love. On the […]

Simple Faith: Believe in angels

I think angels are like children- always innocent, always trying to get our attention when we think we’re too busy to play. I think angels are like children- sometimes hiding with a grin under the laundry we need to fold, hoping to pounce and make us smile. I think angels are like children – sometimes […]

Simple Faith: Following the promptings of the Spirit

Following God’s spirit is like trying to catch a squirrel. As soon as you think you know where He’s going, He changes course. After a while, you learn it’s betterĀ just to watch and learn. The more you pay attention, the more you realize how playful He is. Truly, we’re at the mercy of an unfathomable, […]

Simple Faith: Tune into the promptings of the Holy Spirit

I had the grace to hear You, and I listened. You whispered, but I tuned in- and I listened. You sang a gentle melody, and I listened. The world competed for my attention, but I listened. You rose up from within me, and I listened. You expanded all around me, and I listened. You danced […]

Find a way to do what you loved as a child

At my son’s recent field trip to a literary festival, one of the speakers said “the happiest adults are those, who find a way to do what they loved as a child.” This caught my attention because after ten years of being a stay-at-home mom, I sent my baby to kindergarten this fall. I’m in […]