There’s only one true source for living waters

In the shower the other day as the water went from lukewarm to cool to cold. Instead of accepting the reality of the broken water heater situation, I kept torturing myself by leaning into the cold water, waiting to see if the problem would magically fix itself – it didn’t.

I think this relates to faith. All too often, we go into denial, while seeking God’s love from poor substitutes like broken people, worldly success and material things. No matter how many times we’re hurt in the process, we lean into the illusion that idols can fulfill our heart’s desires-waiting to see if the problem will magically fix itself, it doesn’t.

Maya Angelou wrote “when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” The older I get, the more deeply I understand the wisdom of her words. People aren’t God, things aren’t God, and accomplishments aren’t God. Only God is God, and the more we avoid “cold showers” of worldly trappings to seek Him directly, the more we’ll experience the true source of living waters Jesus promised to us all.

When Jesus walked the earth, He clearly showed us who He is; We should believe Him and allow Him to cleanse our souls with His perfect, miraculous healing love as often as possible through prayer. He’s the only one, who can really give us what we need.

Lord, You are the deepest desire of our human hearts. Help us discern all the ways we are seeking You in poor substitutes that will always leave us wanting more. Give us the grace to seek You boldly in prayer, and help us develop a stronger connection with Your Spirit. 

Related Scripture

John 4 13-14: Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again. But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a fount of water springing up to eternal life.” 

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