Unite in Prayer for Peace

The world can’t give you what you really want. Be careful about even looking out therefor too long at the chaos you can’t control – like a tornado,it will uproot your life …and send you spinning off into the distance away from everything you’ve been hoping foreven after all you’ve done. Peace startsin the basement,within […]

Spiritual Journey: Every Moment of Your Life Matters! Even the hard ones…

There’s something about the forgetting –the for so long not realizingand then suddenly,finallywaking upand rememberingthe Truth so deeply in your bones that it singsa familiar song like you’ve always known. There’s something so naturalabout the experienceof God it’s like breathingin and out,deeper and deeper into restuntil you finally let goand wow it’s like a river […]

Unity Starts Within. Cultivate a deeper prayer life as a path to world peace.

When I carry the wild griefof this world like a bag of bonesin my heart tangled with fear, outrage kicking and shriekingthe whole way –into in the silence of prayer,I am healed. Miraculous calmfills me instead. Love gradually begins to overflow out of my heart back into the world that broke me, and I believe […]