Deeper Life: Choosing to grow spiritually through times of grief

When sorrow barges through the door of my heart like an unwelcome guest, I have learned to take a deep breath and welcome her as the clumsy cleaning crew she is, here only to sweep out cobwebs and dust, to freshen up the arrangement of furniture and clear out the superficial things I don’t need (or […]

Spiritual Journey: When You Reach the Limits of Your Human Capabilities

When I allowed my heart to open so far, so fast that it shattered into a million tiny pieces – I didn’t realize I was making the smartest decision of my life. My love exploded into the universe like fireworks vanishing into thin air, and I experienced the gaping emptiness of my broken humanity – […]

Spiritual Journey: Finding God in the brokenness of our humanity

When did the foundation of your life begin to crack? What happened that shattered your illusions once and for all? There are a million ways for our hearts to break; There are a million reasons to fall apart; And thankfully, There is one God, who rushes in to seal every fissure with Love. On the […]

Spiritual Journey: When we think our prayers aren’t being answered …

When we’re too busy grieving unanswered prayers to notice, God shifts the winds and the tides. Ever so gently, He redirects the course of our lives… steering us toward a more gorgeous horizon than we dreamed of. Even while we’re oblivious to His guiding presence … as our tears overflow, the ocean swells up beneath us- […]

Grace like a game of hearts

In cards, when you find yourself losing a game of hearts, you can secretly decide to accept it- it’s called shooting the moon. If you manage to lose completely, you actually win- it’s a path to victory. In faith, when you find your heart aching from the trials of life, you can secretly decide to […]