Deeper Life: Finding beauty in the ashes of our broken dreams

It’s hard to see beauty when she’s dancing in the ashes of our broken dreams. But with chubby cheeks covered in soot, she’s always there kicking up dust, revealing an eternal perspective, which can be hidden but not destroyed.

Spiritual Journey: When you’re lost in the wilderness

I’ve seen the way life’s jungles open up into meadows more beautiful than we imagined. If we want to see God’s glory, we need to persevere. I say: Hack through the brambles, crawl through the muck. Sleep in a damp cave if you have to. Whatever you do, don’t give up. One day, you’ll burst […]

Simple Faith: Remember who you are created to be

Believe it or not, You are made in the image and likeness of our Creator. You are Light. You are Love. You are Beauty. You are Truth. And You are WAY more powerful than you think. There will always be shadows, temptations like rain clouds knocking at your door- but You get to decide if you let them […]

A writer’s prayer

Great Creator of all beauty, I ask that You pour Your Spirit into my work as a writer. Infuse my words with Your Divine power. Inspire them with Your brilliance and love. Permeate them with Your miraculous possibilities. Pour Your graces into every sentence, so I can speak the fullness of Your truth in a […]

Me Too Prayer (for courage to speak out against sexual assault)

Thank you God for the swell of voices, who have found the courage to speak out against sexual harrassment and assault. It’s awesome to see the truth coming to light and justice being served in some instances. Today, I ask that You rise up even more brave warriors of truth to speak out against their […]

Thank You God! For being our rock

Lord, Thank You for the power of Your Word and Spirit. Thank You for the sacraments of Your Church.  Thank You for all the faithful, who are doing Your work in the world. Thank You for the guardian angels working on our behalf. Thank You for Your voice in our hearts. Thank You for being so […]

Unite in Prayer: For discernment

Lord, we are living in confusing times. Fake news and suppressed facts are becoming normalized before our eyes. Innocent people are being manipulated, and hearts are being corrupted by dangerous distortions – sometimes it seems like lies are taking over. Lord, You are the Spirit of Truth and Justice. In the end, I know You […]

Claiming the light

I know it’s easier for you to splatter black paint on me than it would be to accept the oil spill that your life has become. I also know I’m kind, quick to forgive and strong enough to scrape your darkness off me- without complaining too much. But the truth is: I am not a […]