Unite in Prayer: Contemplate the mystery of Divine Mercy

In Your mercy, fill my soul with trust. In this moment, guide me by the light of Your eternal truth. When I feel the limitations of my own self, rekindle my connection to Your infinite majesty. Pour the enormity of Your love through little me into those, who need it most. The closer we grow […]

Power of Prayer: How the Divine Mercy Chaplet healed my broken heart

If you could glimpse into my soul, you’d see a cavernous scar chiseled by darkness and filled with rays of glorious Light. You’d see my deepest wound stitched with radiant threads, golden and sealed with the grace of Divine Mercy. Who would I be without Your generosity, Lord? Where would I be without the depths […]

Simple Faith: Keep Your Heart Open

If mercy is for any, it has to be for all. The poor and sick are human, just like the cruel and ruthless. If our love can’t embrace the truth about hard hearts, it’s not soft enough yet. Without mercy, justice will turn us into stone, too. Wouldn’t life be easier if everyone was kind, […]

Prayer for Healing Addictions

“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old is gone, the new is here.” -2 Corinthians 5:17 God bless and heal our loved ones, who are struggling to break free from addiction to harmful substances and behaviors.   Sometimes it feels like we’re losing them to the darkness of their issues. They’ve changed […]