Simple Faith: How to be fierce and free.

I danced with Lightning,and I couldn’t stop laughing. He was so wild! As we zig zag bounded across the sky, something heavy lifted off me,and I became Lightning too – fierce and free,like I am now. Never forget: Take timeto dancewith whoyou want to be. We become, who we dance with. Okay, that’s a little […]

Stand Tall Anyway. Catching my breath after yet another horrific mass shooting …

There are no words,just this grief that isn’t minebut is at the same time. How can I live in a world like this, where I can’t controlwho allows black oil to pump through their veins –slippery rage,explosive blindness …How does a handsome young man become a murderous machine? How do I breathe as the magnitude […]

Prayer for the People of Ukraine

Please know,you are not alone. The bombs are going off in my heart, too. I am rocking your babies in my prayers – wrapping them in graces of peaceand sweet dreams,asking the Lord to createa beautiful life for them to grow into. I am sifting through the rubble of your broken dreamsand planting seeds. I […]

Deeper Life: Purify Your Intent

Beneath the mountainof doingis the reasonyou are. So what exactlyare you climbing for? When you clarify your intent,you clear a path for God … Look how grace flows like water into the cracks of your plansand expands –mountains of grief wash away into a clear path,wow in nature,all the elements bowto the King Her wishis […]

Spiritual Journey: Every Moment of Your Life Matters! Even the hard ones…

There’s something about the forgetting –the for so long not realizingand then suddenly,finallywaking upand rememberingthe Truth so deeply in your bones that it singsa familiar song like you’ve always known. There’s something so naturalabout the experienceof God it’s like breathingin and out,deeper and deeper into restuntil you finally let goand wow it’s like a river […]

The Story Behind Unite in Prayer!

Lord, give methe grace to lingerin Your presence until the weight of the world in my heart transforms into joy I never saw myself as a faith writer, and I am a reluctant one. I am not saintly or profoundly wise. I cannot quote scripture without help from google. Years ago, I simply encountered God’s […]

Unity Starts Within. Cultivate a deeper prayer life as a path to world peace.

When I carry the wild griefof this world like a bag of bonesin my heart tangled with fear, outrage kicking and shriekingthe whole way –into in the silence of prayer,I am healed. Miraculous calmfills me instead. Love gradually begins to overflow out of my heart back into the world that broke me, and I believe […]

Prayer for the grace to see Christ in the marginalized and oppressed

You love us spectacularly –blazing light extravagant,unconditional,pure andtrue. And yet so often,we failto even see You. We are blindto Your presencein each other’s hearts,soft and burningfor someone to noticeand care,innocence buried under layers of injustice-scarswe didn’t choose. We fail to see purity,when it’s shroudedin suffering passed downlike a legacy-every ounce longingto be healed,screaming for mercywith […]

Deeper Life: How to cultivate the heart of a contemplative amidst the chaos of everyday life

In the silence of prayer, I am filled with a stillness that breathes within me. I am learning to rest in this calm without ceasing. Sometimes now, I can remain full of peace, while walking through the chaos that used to sink me. I am beginning to understand how I’m supposed to be in this […]

Deeper Life: Finding peace in turbulent times

When the earth shakes and the darkness swirls around you … When the wind howls threats and your whole world starts to shiver… When you’re dizzy with grief and fear and horror … You can always find your way back into the center. There is always still peace in the eye of the storm. Sometimes, […]